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Damage dealt 意味
Damage dealt 意味-Lastly, his ultimate is Collateral Damage, which is a long range nuke which deals a large damage to a single target and a fair amount of splash damage after the initial damage as well Collateral Damage can be used up close to deal burst damage or it can be used to snipe enemies from a distance as well損害賠償動詞+ assess damages at $100,000 損害額を 10 萬ドルと評価する avoid damage 被害を回避する The jury awarded her damages of £15 million 陪審員は彼女に 1,500 萬ポンドの損害賠償金を與える評決を下した He causes a lot of damage

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DATA Regular DATA SplashIf you are filing a damage claim, select the check box indicating "I have photographs to support my damage claim" This check box appears on the Damage Inquiry page Note To file for payment once your claim is issued, you will need to upload payment documentation To do so, select the View Detail link on your claims dashboard〔人に〕〈を〉配る,分配する She dealt (out) each child three sandwiches=She dealt three sandwiches (out)
DeepL Translate Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL's worldleading neural network technologyMar 01, 17 · 多義語「bear」の活用法7選 「bear」と聞くと、誰もが思い浮かべるのが動物の「クマ」だろう。だが、この単語はさまざまな意味をもつ多義語でもある。そこで今回は「bear」の使い方のなかから、7つの活用法をピックアップして紹介したい。軽度の損害や損失 EDR日英対訳辞書 damage caused by a natural disaster 例文帳に追加 天災による被害 EDR日英対訳辞書 to damage something by fire 例文帳に追加 (物を)焼いてこわす EDR日英対訳辞書 damage resulting from an earthquake 例文帳に追加 地震による被害 EDR日英対訳辞書 damage caused by flooding 例文帳に追加 水害で生じた損失 EDR日英対訳辞書
Mar 09, 17 · A repetitive strain injury (RSI), sometimes referred to as repetitive stress injury, is a gradual buildup of damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves from repetitive motions RSIs are common and mayCoverの主な意味 動 1 〈人・物を〉おおう;Deal at déal at O 〈会社?店など〉をひいきにする,と取引する. deal by déal by O ((英))〈人が〉〈人〉を扱う《 well,badlyと共にしばしば受身で用いる》They have dealt well by her. = She has been well dealt by. 彼らは彼女を優遇してきた.

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印刷可能 Damage Dealt 意味
Amplified damage is the same type of damage dealt dota2wikicom 増幅さ れる ダメージは 与 えら れた ダメージと 同 じタ イプになる。A major update is upon us!Mar 14, · Shiftling Skills is a skill tree in Nioh 2 This skills tree focuses more on progressing the potency and capabilities of using the Guardian Spirit and Yokai Shift How to Acquire Shiftling Skills Shiftling Skills are unlocked by spending Skill Points into the tree

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ロングマンビジネス辞典より damage dam‧age 1 / ˈdæmɪdʒ / noun 1 uncountable a bad effect on something that makes it weaker or less successful damage to The result of this policy will be severe damage to the British economy 2 uncountable physical harm caused to something a fire which caused hundreds of pounds' worth of damage to property 3 flood/storm/wind etc damage INSURANCE damage caused by a flood, storm etc The shop suffered severe smoke damageDamage 意味, 定義, damage は何か 1 to harm or spoil something 2 harm or injury 3 money that is paid to someone by a person or もっと見る Cambridge Dictionary PlusOct 12, · Life steal is an offensive stat which grants healing equal to a percentage of the damage dealt by basic attacks, including those that are modified (such as Siphoning Strike or Spellblade) It applies to abilities that trigger onhit effects (eg Mystic Shot, Parrrley, Steel Tempest) It does not benefit from Heal Power Most items that deal onhit damage benefit from

ニュースで英会話 11年8月

The Damage Is Done プロ翻訳者の単語帳
Deal bonus damage equal to stacks of Scars Scars X At the start of the Scene, gain Bleed equal to the amount of Scars If the amount is 6 or higher at the start of the Scene, take damage equal to % of Max HP and remove all stacks When attacked by the Wolf, take bonus damage equal to the current amount of Scars1 〈器具などを〉調整する;〈軌道などを〉修正する 2 〈問題・誤りなどを〉修正する 3 《電気》〈交流を〉直流に変える;《化学》を精留する;《数学》〈曲線・弧の〉長さを求めるMay 30, 21 · Jackie leaps to the targeted location, dealing damage and slowing her enemies nearby upon landing Hitting bleeding enemies with Leaping Strike slows their movement speed even more Jackie can jump over walls and terrain with this ability

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All damage dealt with this bow is doubled Ability Description edit edit source Some users may be confused on why this bow does 50 Damage and doubles it, rather than just doing 100 DamageATK 156 → 3296 This shikigami cannot be awakened HP 1067 → DEF 66 → 3 SPD 116 Crit 12% Crit DMG 150% Effect HIT 0% Effect RES 0% SP Yamakaze attacks a single target twice with each attack dealing damage equal to 40% of his attack SP Yamakaze's move bar increases by 30% when a control effect is removed or disappears at the of a turn His move bar is also increased byJun 04, 21 · Each piece confers an independent chance to deal damage to the attacker as described above The total amount of damage that can be dealt this way is capped at 4 Probabilities of inflicting maximum damage and average damage dealt depending on the number of items with Thorns III worn are as follows

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Enrage is a mechanic in Final Fantasy XIV used in certain battles that is designed to prevent undergeared or poorly performing players from clearing content The most common form of enrage is a hard enrage timer, usually starting from the moment the battle begins If the battle is not beaten before the time is up, the party will wipe either instantly or in a matter of seconds Some battlesOur service We combine satellite data with our customers' data to provide and jointly develop new data solutions that are expected to generate synergies and benefits 01 Solutions Subscriptionbased services which are optimized for your business and industryControl 意味, 定義, control は何か 1 to order, limit, or rule something, or someone's actions or behaviour 2 the act of もっと見る

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Increases Damage dealt to Sea Guardians and Squids Yes Other Enchantments Dragon Tracer IV Arrow home towards dragons if they are within 210 blocks V Arrow home towards dragons if they are within a Certain block range No Flame I Arrow ignites target for 3 seconds, dealing 5 damage every second I Damaging enemies Deals extra damage per second in fire damage Yes Piercing IGrim Dawn v1190 has arrived, and with it the Shattered Realm has grown substantially!Deal 1 〔目的語 (out)〕〈を〉分配する,分ける,配る A judge deals out justice 裁判官は公平な裁きをする The money was not dealt out fairly その金は公平には分配されなかった 〔目的語 (out)目的語 / 目的語 (out)to (代)名詞〕〈人に〉〈を〉配る,分配する;

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But even if you do not wish to delve into the madness of that crumbling reality, many changes and improvements await in the world of Cairn!If you succeed at the check, spells cast by your ally before the start of your next turn that deal acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage instead deal sonic damage Spells that would normally deal sonic damage deal half sonic damage and half damage resulting directly from divine power that is not subject to being reduced by resistance to sonic attacks表現パターン dealt a heavy major, serious, severe blow by dealt bad luck 《be ~》不幸 {ふこう} な目に遭 {あ} う、悪運 {あくうん} に見舞われる

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Jun 30, · Decreases damage dealt by an entity WITHER Deals damage to an entity over time and gives the health to the shooter PreMade Potion Types and Effects If you'd rather use one of the default Minecraft potion types, here are some common Data values you can use with the POTION item type to make them!May 24, 21 · Bajie is a Tier IX PanAsian premium battleship in World of Warships, and enjoys being the first battleship to enter the game under the PanAsian banner Bajie's main armament consists of nine high velocity 410mm guns, featuring good penetration, the typical Japanese battleship dispersion pattern which enjoys an advantage over that of other battleships at longロングマン現代英英辞典より check check 1 / tʃek / S1 W2 verb 1 find out intransitive, transitive CHECK/MAKE SURE to do something in order to find out whether something really is correct, true, or in good condition Check the tiles carefully before you buy them A first rule in solving any mystery is to check the facts Fill in the cash book carefully and always check your

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Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Enervate, Enervate, Enervate, Enervate Slightly raises recast speed of Enervate While equipping EX weapon Runeblade (FFT) orRemnant Violet is a good all round single target DPS Think of him as the dark version of Cermia but with more defensive capabilities than offenseCommon, Mark At the start of her next turn, the Locked on enemy will receive damage equal to 100% of her attack Damage from this attack cannot be shared and will not trigger souls or passives Damage from this attack cannot be shared and will not trigger souls or passives

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Nov 13, · An example of item providing extra normal attack damage An example of item providing normal attack damage reduction In other words 1) Extra normal attack damage (ENAD) is flat, aka it is simply added to damage dealt, no matter how fast your hits are Characters with high attack speed builds will naturally benefit greatly from itDamageとは意味:1damage n 損害, 被害;Minecraftdamage_dealt 与えたダメージ量。 minecraftdamage_dealt_absorbed 吸収されたダメージ量。 minecraftdamage_dealt_resisted 耐性によって防がれたダメージ量。 minecraftdamage_resisted 耐性によって防いだダメージ量。 minecraftdamage_taken 受けたダメージ量。 minecraftdeaths 死亡した回数。

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Deal a damage 同義語 (deal a damageの別の言葉) は do damage, cause damage to そして harm security受けた最高ダメージ=highest damage dealt みたいなんだけど、takeはつかむとか取るって意味でdealtは分配するとか配るって意味みたいだけど、 日本語訳としては正しいってことでいいのかな? 元の英語の時点で記録されてる箇所が入れ替わってるのか、それとFor the full list of changes, see below V1190 Major New Features The Shattered Realm's fractured reality reveals new secrets

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